
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Since you've been gone...

So, here's where we've been...


Well, part of the reason.
Here is the other reason...
Her name is Evan Suzanne.
She's almost three months old now!

Soooooo, we have a new business in Tallahassee. We have a new baby in Tallahassee. We are making furniture for our business and our baby is doing her business on our furniture. HA!

We are planning to open our new kids-only hair salon early in October 2010. In the meantime, we are working our fingers to the bone transforming the little 750 sqft space into a space that will encourage relaxation for parents and fun for kids.
We will have pictures of the before and afters and can't wait to share them with you! Stay tuned...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

Cool Website found!

So, since I've been sitting around on my increasingly larger butt lately, I've been doing some online shopping and stumbled upon this really cool website. I bought a purse from them on Etsy and discovered that they had a website of their own and it's really lovely. It's "under construction", but it promises to be a hit! Check it out!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Website

Hey all. I have a new website for you to check out. It's pretty cool for ideas on how to spruce up the house. Let me know what you think!



We are so sorry for the huge gap in production here at Purpose. We have been busy on a side project...a new baby! Hopefully now that I'm in the second trimester I will be able to get things started again, but in the meantime send me some ideas to get me motivated and off my pregnant butt! Thanks guys and HAPPY NEW YEAR!