
Friday, January 27, 2012

::DIY:: Felt/Burlap Laptop Sleeve

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I have a small obsession with laptop cases.  It's one of my "go-to" things to search for on Etsy.   There are so many awesome ones out there, but I can't bring myself to spend $50 on yet ANOTHER laptop case {not to mention wanting to avoid the comments from Chris...}.  So, I finally came to the conclusion that I needed to make one for myself.

As I started dreaming up my design, I realized that it could be REALLY easy.  I also realized that I should share this with you so you don't have to pay top dollar for a laptop sleeve when you can make your own super-cute, SUPER-easy sleeve for $20 or less {depending on your fabric collection}!  

Now, I'm NOT a seamstress, but I can sew a straight line.  So, if you can sew at least that much then... let's do this!

So, here's what you'll need for a 13" laptop sleeve...
:: 1 - 13" laptop ::
:: 1 yard - burlap ::
:: 1 yard - cotton {flower} fabric ::
:: 1.5 yards - felt ::
:: sewing machine ::
:: 1 pack - embroidery thread ::
:: thick gauge sewing needle ::
:: 1 - large button ::
:: 1 - large hair rubber band ::
:: fabric glue ::  

:: Step 1 - Cut Cotton/Burlap ::
- Cut cotton fabric & burlap - 35" long x 19" wide.
- Glue the cotton to the burlap with fabric glue.

:: Step 2 - Sew Fabric ::
- Sew together the cotton & burlap using a zig zag stitch.
- Sew straight along the long side {35"} 1" from the outside.

:: Step 3 - Attach Button/Rubber Band::
- Sew the button on the burlap side 2" from top edge using the embroidery thread.
- Fold fabric over to the shape of the laptop sleeve {like an envelope}.
- Position the rubber band on the burlap where it will be tight, but not too tight.
- Sew the rubber band to the fabric using embroidery thread.

:: Step 4 - Cut Felt Into 5 Pieces ::
- Cut 1 piece - 23" x 15".
- Cut 4 pieces - 21" x 14.5".
- Use fabric glue to spray each piece together finishing with the largest piece on top. 
{this picture doesn't have all largest piece yet}
- If you can find 1/2" thick felt {or thicker}, skip this step & just use that.  I'm piling these up because there are no local stores around that carry thicker felt.  Plus, this was less expensive!

:: Step 5 - Combine Fabric ::
- Lay out cotton/burlap with cotton fabric facing up.
- Spray fabric with glue.
- Place pile of felt on cotton/burlap with edges flush on the bottom & largest piece of felt facing up.
-This should leave 8" of cotton showing on the top.
- Smooth out all of the fabric.
- Place computer on top of the felt.
- Fold felt over the computer from the bottom & adjust.
- Check to make sure the button placement is correct.

:: Step 6 - Stitch Closed ::
-Keep the computer inside the folded fabric to stitch closed.  This will help to keep the sleeve taut & give you a guideline.
- Using embroidery thread & needle, start at the bottom left corner of the fold.
- Stitch using an X pattern.  This will ensure the fabric is secure. 
- Stitch through the cotton/burlap & larger piece of felt on the sides.  This secures the fabric sides closed.  {below - left}
- Remove computer from sleeve.
- Stitch the lip of opening of the sleeve.
- Stitch along the edges of the flap.
-That's it!

:: Step 7 - The End ::
- Just add the laptop and...

Any feedback you'd give would be greatly appreciated!  Please let me know if you have questions or if something is confusing.  I'm still new at the tutorials.  Thanks.  Hope you enjoy!


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  1. Thanks! I've used it for two days now and I can't stop looking at it! It's so cute and was SO easy!
