
Sunday, January 1, 2012

I'm baaaaaaaaaack!


Soooo, what do you think?   I've been at it for a little bit now & I've come up with a new look for the website.  Well, I guess now it's a blog site.  I'm still tweaking it, but I couldn't wait to share it with you because I'm super-excited about having a new outlet for creativity!  I'm hoping that this space is somewhere you can come to be inspired as well as leave YOUR inspiration for others!  My stomach has been flipping since I decided to do this {with your encouragement}!  So, thanks.  Here we go...

Many of you know me from Rinse & Repeat Kids' Salon &/or The Green Peridot Salon in Tallahassee & while I really, really love hair I also have other interests {imagine that!}.  Many of you may NOT know that my secret {or maybe not so secret} passion is creating, uh, ANYTHING!  My focus is usually in the home.  I love reupholstering furniture {the couch is almost done...}.  

***{Before we go any further there's something you need to know.  My Mom is a high school English teacher {the best ever} & to her chagrin I'm not the best writer in the world.  I use too many commas, I rely on spell check WAY too much, I completely overuse the ellipsis, the "&", emoticon's {usually the winking eye ;)}, parenthesis, and I start sentences with "So," way too often.  ;)  There's something else you need to know.  I DON'T CARE!  This blog was not created so I could win the next Pulitzer Prize.  I may even blog after a few glasses of wine {don't judge me}.  Just, bear with me.  I'm sure that between all the grammatical errors we'll still be on the same page... mine will just be messier.} 

So,  here's the plan.

Chris (the Mr.) & I have completed numerous projects around the Mojock House & I've taken a few pictures of them.  I'll share them with you, you look at them, you tell me what you like/don't like, you ask questions, I'll ask questions... you know how this works. 

Also, I would LOVE to share your projects here as well!  So, if there's something you're proud of that you finished between the zillions of other things we do each day, send it over!  I'll give you a big pat on the back because we all deserve it!

So, {see!} you'll have to sit tight 'til I get back to Tally {we're still on vacation, hence the time for inspiration.  I mean, you read ONE "Home & Garden" magazine...} and I'll dig up some pictures of the projects we've completed in the last few months.  Then, we'll get started on the new ones! 

Here's to a new year & some new inspiration.  Thanks for joining me!  

...Ready, set, GO...   



  1. Yay! This is going to be so much fun! I loved the line about being on the same page. You don't give yourself enough credit, Suz! You are a great writer and I can't wait to read more. Love.

  2. Aww, thanks Mare. Coming from you that means a lot! {See she taught me that a lot was two words, not one!}


  3. This is going to be fun! It's always great when fellow moms can inspire one another. Our kids are our life and after they are cared for...well there's not much time left over {as I type with Cole stretch across my arms smooching my cheek}. Looking forward to catching a peek at what your getting into.


  4. SUZI! I absolutely love this. Please keep doing it. I've been hanging around at thrift stores & starting to work on our new place down here so it's the perfect inspiration.:)

  5. Joy - Thanks for the support!

    Melissa - I can't wait to see what you come up with!

