
Sunday, May 13, 2012

*NEW* Feature - purpose{petite}

It's been busy around here in the Mojock house {as usual}!  We're refocusing on Chris's PhD program which means our schedule is changing... again.  We're renaming him "Dr. Mojock" ASAP!  It's great news & means that Purpose ReDesign will be getting more attention.  Yay!  Did you miss us?  We missed you!
We have a new feature we're working on hoping it fills the gaps between larger projects at PRDS.  "purpose{petite}" is our new feature page focusing on simple, easy tips & tricks we've discovered in our ReDesigning adventures.  
 In our lives, simplicity is key & we cherish our time off.  Anything to make daily events easier are very welcome!  Some of these ideas we've found on Pinterest or other blogs & many more of them will be from our own noggins.  We welcome ideas from our readers & would love to share your ideas with the world. So, here it is.  Let us know what you think...


Our premier post for purpose{petite} is perfect.  Nice alliteration, ay?  It's short, it's sweet, & it has made my heart race a little bit with it's practicality.  You like it?  Pin It!

"The Wet Wall"
 Have wet swim suits, wet cycling bibs {Chris}, hanging beach towels?  We seem to only use our guest shower for hanging wet items.  The girls take baths in it, but the shower is saved for guests & laundry.  Now, we can still use it & don't have to see the mess! 

This project is so easy it's sick.  Just for kicks I'm going to list the steps...
1. Buy a curtain rod from your favorite home store.
2. Buy curtain rings that you'd use to hang your curtain {we had old ones already so, SCORE!}
3. Install the rod far enough from the back of the shower to keep the wet items from sticking to the wall, but close enough to not be in the way when taking a shower {2-3 inches}.
4. Hang wet items, close the curtain & let the air do the work!
5. Best part - The water will drip INTO the tub instead of the SIDE of the tub!  No more mold!

How easy is this?

No more messy bathtubs or clothes hanging over the curtain!
You're welcome.



  1. This is a great idea! I'm always trying to figure out what to do with bathing suits after we go in the pool. Now that the kids are a little bigger, I wonder if I can even hang it lower so they can hang their suits themselves.

  2. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could e-mail me?

